I've been slow to making and uploading skins of the MorningGlory Family, but I have made some progress in between bouts of procrastination and doing other Skins. I made the necessary skins, portraits, and sigil art for the youngest child Astoria in advance back in October, and I made the Skins for Isaac back in November. I've recently finished his face Portraits and his Sigils this month, and they have been uploaded here.
As for Astoria, I'm keeping to my plan of uploading the Family Members Oldest to Youngest. So she will be uploaded as soon as the skins and Sigils of her siblings between her and Isaac are made and posted. And fortunately there are only three more: Serena, Penelope, and Alastor. The main MorningGlory Family is almost finished, and I'm hoping to get these skins pushed out as soon as I get my lazy butt in gear.
I'm also planing on updating my Skin for King Albrecht to give him eyes closer in line with my existing Dwarf Endermen/Enderwomen, and a face portrait for him as well. And I will be making skins for his own children (All adults, since Enderfolk and Immportality go hand in hand).
I'm also going to be making face portraits for other characters like my Cousins, Dr. Jacobs, and more for my Yautja OCs. And I will also upload more skins of my other original characters:
Ernie, Rudy, and Amy Pine: The Pine Triplets. Ernie in particular is astranged from his younger siblings for robery and attempting to put the blame on rudy. He is placed Number 7 in the Spiteful 9, Codename: Frog.
Tobias Quinn: Dr.Jacobs' husband.
Charlie & Harley Pince: The Pince Twins (The Notecraft equivalents of Steve and Alex).
Thomas & Rosaline Cane: The Cane Twins.
Peyton Carver: Central Antagonist of Notecraft, and a devout Scientologist. Leader of the Purge Corps, and founder/dictator of Phelps City.
Jeffrey Carver: Peyton's atranged younger brother, disowned for Angostic views and disbelief in Scientology.
Carlson and Samson Greeves: The Greeves Brothers: Owners of the Dancing Creeper Bar & Grill.
Ronald Greeves: Carl and Sam's convict of a father and a bheliever in the Boris Anderson/Stephen Stotch Style of parenting. He is placed Number 3 of the Spiteful 9, Codename: The Big G.
Dr. Alice Trueheart: A corrupt therapist and radical feminist/SJW. She is placed Number 9 of the Spiteful 9, Codename: Social Judge.
Blake Gatsby: A Note Town Police Officer with a strong dislike of corruption.
Note Legion Troopers: Note Town's premier military units comprised recruits from all over Notecraft.
Purge Corps Units: Phelps City's Nazi Escue military comprised of genetically grown super soldiers.
Shinji Kondo: Sam Greeves best friend and an accomplish Spleef Player.
Kozuji Kondo: Shinji's vary traditional father (A bit to traditional). He is placed Number 8 of the Spiteful Nine, Codename: Shinigami.
Travis: A drug addict and common thug who was exiled from Note Town, and the father of Cloud Skies' Nephew and Niece. Genetically modified by the Purge Corps similare to Captain America, but for more sinister purposes, making him stronger and smarter. He leads the Spiteful 9 as its number 1, Codename: Nox.
Dr. Samual Sabastian Sullivan: Jacobs' old mentor and chief scientist of the Purge Corps. Founder of Sullivan Robotics & Biotech.
And thats all that I can think of at the top of my head, and what skins I have mnade so far